Monday, 23 April 2012

And here is T for Teufelfeufer as I promised :)... I have always wanted to run something in or around this damned place...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the idea Ben! I really enjoyed researching this doomed village. The name is a classic WFRP tautology!

    I found a reference to it of course in Sigmar's Heirs Gazette for Reikland, why it was burned was more difficult until I found a Play by Post mention in The Enemy Within! Why, I have that 1e module on my bookshelf! Sho'nuff, Teufelfeuer is mention in the "rumors" table for the adventures traveling to Altdorf.

    The details are mostly canon. The wine speculation I made up based on the TEW gazetteer for Teufelfeuer's "source of wealth:" wine, population: 0. By 2522 in SH, the population was 48 and Teufelfeuer was dirt poor. I just filled in the blanks. :)
